JAI TS-9720EN Security Camera User Manual

Appendix C: Two Cameras, One-Flash Configuration 83
VIS-CAM System
7 Appendix C: Two Cameras, One Flash Configuration
Figure 7.1 shows how to connect one flash to two VIS CAM 300 cameras. The flash output from
camera 0, the master camera, is connected to the laser trigger input on camera 1, the slave
camera. The Flash unit is connected to the slave camera.
The flash output must always be enabled on the master camera. The flash output on the slave
camera is setup as normal (controlled by the values from the light sensor).
Figure 85. Two camera, one flash, configuration.
Three wires are connected from the flash connector on the IO Board of the Master camera to the
laser (LVD) connector on the IO Board of the Slave camera: