A = Agency # (00 - 15)
F = Fleet # (00 - 15)
S = Sub-fleet # (0 - 7)
Press the decimal key to enter the hyphen.
Leave the Fleet or Sub-Fleet # empty to treat it as a wildcard (any Sub- Fleet
within that Fleet). For example, "15-" will match all TGIDs for Agency 15. "15-
04-" will match all TGIDs for Agency 15, Fleet 4.
I-Call channel (Motorola, P25 or EDACS)
Enter the Talk Group ID in the following format:
i{ID number}
Press the decimal key to enter the lower-case i, then enter the ID number.
To monitor all iCalls, enter the iCall wildcard i0 in decimal or i in HEX.
LTR systems
Enter the Talk Group ID in the following format:
A = Area Code (0 or 1)
H = Home repeater (01 - 20)
U = User ID (000 - 254)
Press the decimal key to enter the hyphen.
Leave the User ID empty to treat it as a wildcard. For example, "1-15-" will
match all User IDs for Area Code 1, Home repeater 15.