Each conventional system can contain up to 1000 channels in each group, and all
groups must contain at least 1 channel.
1. On the Edit Group menu, select the channel group you just created.
2. Go to the Edit Channel menu and select New Channel.
3. Input the frequency for this channel in MHz.
4. If you need to change any of the channel properties, you can do that now.
Unless a property is Required, you can operate the system without changing
the default settings.
Property Option name
Frequency Edit Frequency
Analog/digital Set Audio Type
Set CTCSS/DCS (analog
channels only)
• P25 Network Address
P25 NAC Option (digital
channels only)
Modulation Set Modulation
Name Edit Name
Number tag Set Number Tag
Alert Set Alert
Attenuator Set Attenuator
Lockout Set Lockout
Priority Set Priority
Volume Offset Volume Offset
Available operations
Copy a channel Copy Channel
Delete a channel Delete Channel