Basic Setups for the Switcher
Chapter 3 Preparations
Selectable characters
When the setting is complete
Press the CAM mode button or SW mode button to exit menu mode.
If you change the setting, “Save setup data? [PAGE] (yes) or [EXIT] (no)”
appears on the display panel. Press the PAGE button to store the data.
To assign the video input signals to the PGM and NEXT select buttons (menu page 922)
Assign the video input signals to PGM and NEXT select buttons 1 to 12. If you
assign a video input signal to any one of the PGM or NEXT buttons, the same
signal will be assigned to the same number of the PGM or NEXT button.
You can also disable any select button that is not to be used.
Display menu page 922.
For the procedure for displaying the menu, see “Menu Operation” on page
When menu page 921 is displayed, one press of the PAGE button displays
menu page 922.
Turn the F1 control to select the number of the select button (1 to 12) to
which you wish to assign a video input signal under “XPT BTN” (cross-
point button).
Turn the F2 control to set the video input signal that you wish to assign to
the button selected in step 2, under “SIGNAL.”
IN 1 to IN 4: to set the video signal input from the SDI IN 1 to 4 connectors
at the rear of the Processor Unit
IN 5 to IN 8: to set the video signal input from the interface board installed
in the IN1 card slot at the rear of the Processor Unit (When the BRSA-
20HSD1 is installed, select any of “IN 5” to “IN 8.” When the BRSA-
20DD1 is installed, select “IN 5.”)
IN 9: to set the video signal input from the input connector on the interface
board installed in the IN2 card slot at the rear of the Processor Unit
FM 1, FM 2: to set frame memory image 1 or 2 stored in the Processor Unit
MAT1, MAT2: to set color matte 1 or 2 used for a background image
CLBR: to set color bars used for adjustment and test transmission
The display under “NAME” shows the same video input name that was set
in “RENAME” of menu page 921. Since the items under “SIGNAL” and
“NAME” are changed relative to each other, you can select the signal from
the signal name by turning the F3 control instead of the F2 control.
(Space) ! “ # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , – . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E
F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l
m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ˜
1 IN 1 (4 chars.) On 922