Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manual, R7.2
Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels
7.2.5 Circuit Information in the Edit Circuit Window
A notation within or by the squares or selector pentagons in detailed view indicates switches and
loopbacks, including:
F = Force switch
M = Manual switch
L = Lockout switch
Arrow = Facility (outward) or terminal (inward) loopback
Figure 7-3 shows an example of the Edit Circuit window with a terminal loopback.
Figure 7-3 Detailed Circuit Map Showing a Terminal Loopback
Move the mouse cursor over nodes, ports, and spans to see tooltips with information including the
number of alarms on a node (organized by severity), a port’s service state, and the protection topology.
Right-click a node, port, or span on the detailed circuit map to initiate certain circuit actions:
Right-click a unidirectional circuit destination node to add a drop to the circuit.
Right-click a port containing a path-trace-capable card to initiate the path trace.
Right-click a path protection span to change the state of the path selectors in the path protection