Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manual, R7.2
Appendix C Network Element Defaults
C.3 Node Default Settings
C.3 Node Default Settings
Table C-4 on page C-30 lists the node-level default settings for the Cisco ONS 15600. Cisco provides
the following user-configurable defaults for each Cisco ONS 15600 node:
Circuit settings—Set the administrative state and path protection circuit defaults.
General settings—Set general node management defaults, including whether to use Daylight
Savings Time (DST), the IP address of the NTP/SNTP server to be used, the time zone where the
node is located, the SD path BER value, the defaults description, and whether to report loopback
conditions on Out-of-Service, Maintenance (OOS-MT) state ports.
Network settings—Set default gateway node type, and whether to raise an alarm when the backplane
LAN cable is disconnected.
OSI settings—Set Open System Interconnection (OSI) main setup, generic routing encapsulation
(GRE) tunnel, link access protocol on the D channel (LAP-D), router subnet, and TID address
resolution protocol (TARP) settings.
1+1 protection settings—Set whether or not protected circuits have bidirectional switching, are
revertive, and what the reversion time is.
BLSR protection settings—Set whether BLSR-protected circuits are revertive, and what the
reversion time is, at both the ring and span levels.
Legal Disclaimer—Set the legal disclaimer that warns users at the login screen about the possible
legal or contractual ramifications of accessing equipment, systems, or networks without
Security Grant Permissions—Set default user security levels for activating/reverting software,
performance monitoring data clearing, database restoring, and retrieving audit logs.
Security Access settings—Set default security settings for LAN access, shell access, serial craft
access, element management system (EMS) access (including Internet Inter-Object Request Broker
Protocol [IIOP] listener port number), TL1 access, and SNMP access.
Security RADIUS settings—Set default RADIUS server settings for accounting port number,
authentication port number, and whether to enable the node as a final authenticator.
ASAP_4.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.15min.SES 3 (seconds) 0 - 900
ASAP_4.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.15min.UAS 10 (seconds) 0 - 900
ASAP_4.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.CV 250 (B3 count) 0 - 207360000
ASAP_4.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.ES 200 (seconds) 0 - 86400
ASAP_4.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.FC 40 (count) 0 - 6912
ASAP_4.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.NPJC-PDET 5760 (count) 0 - 691200000
ASAP_4.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.NPJC-PGEN 5760 (count) 0 - 691200000
ASAP_4.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.PPJC-PDET 5760 (count) 0 - 691200000
ASAP_4.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.PPJC-PGEN 5760 (count) 0 - 691200000
ASAP_4.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.SES 7 (seconds) 0 - 86400
ASAP_4.pmthresholds.oc48.sts3c-9c.nearend.1day.UAS 10 (seconds) 0 - 86400
Table C-3 ASAP Card Default Settings (continued)
Default Name Default Value Default Domain