Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manual, R7.2
Chapter 11 Alarm Monitoring and Management
11.2 Alarms, Conditions, and History
Figure 11-1 shows the CTC node view Alarms window.
Figure 11-1 Viewing Alarms in CTC Node View
Alarms and conditions appear in one of five background colors, listed in Table 11-2, to communicate
Major and Minor alarms may appear yellow in CTC under certain circumstances. This is not due to a
CTC problem but to a workstation memory and color utilization problem. For example, a workstation
might run out of colors if many color-intensive applications are running. When using Netscape, you can
limit the number of colors used by launching it from the command line with either the -install option or
the -ncols 32 option.
Table 11-2 Color Codes for Alarms and Conditions
Color Description
Red Critical alarm
Orange Major alarm
Yellow Minor alarm
Magenta (pink) Event (NA)
Blue Condition (NR)
White Cleared alarm or event (C)