Ricoh IS300e Photo Scanner User Manual

Configuring Settings Using a Web Browser
To return to the E-mail Ad-
dress screen, click [Back]
again, or click [E-mail Address]
in the sub-menu area.
If Off is selected for [Auto Up-
date Destination List] in [2.Send Scan
Settings] on this machine, restart
this machine to reflect additions
and changes made to the destina-
tion list.
If On is selected for [Auto Up-
date Destination List], the destina-
tion list is automatically
updated when you press [OK] in
above. You can instantly
use the updated destination list
by pressing [Dest.] or [Sender] on
the control panel of this ma-
chine. See p.61 Auto Update
Destination List for details.
Information to Register as Destination and Printer
You can register [E-mail Address], [File Send Path] and [FTP Server] as destinations
for sending scan data. This section describes the setup items included in these
This section also explains the setup items that are included in [Printer], which de-
termines a printer for Print Scan output.
See the Web Status Monitor Help for information about setup items that are not
described here.
Information to register in [E-mail
You can register destination address-
es to which you use for sending
scanned data as an e-mail attachment.
Up to 2000 e-mail addresses can be
Program No.
Enter a number for the e-mail ad-
dress between 00001 and 50000.
You cannot enter a number al-
ready used.
The first unused number is dis-
played as the default.
The name specified here is used for
recognizing each of the registered
destinations (or senders) on the
Web Status Monitor. Register a
name within 20 characters.
Key Display
The key display is used for select-
ing a destination (or sender) on the
control panel of this machine. Reg-
ister a key display name within 16
characters. The first 16 characters
of the name that you have regis-
tered to [Name(s)] are automatically
used if you skip registering a key
display name.
Assign Title
You can assign an item under the
following three types of titles for
recalling the destinations (or
senders) key display name quick-
ly on the control panel of this ma-
[ABC], [DEF], [GHI], [JKL], [MNO],
Custom Title
[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]