Zebra Technologies radio frequency identification (rfid) Photo Scanner User Manual

RFID Error Codes and Messages
58978L-008 Rev. A RFID Programming Guide 11/14/2008
TAG ID FAULT The reader received a command to get a certain number of tag IDs
from the tag ID buffer. The reader contains less tag IDs stored in
its tag ID buffer than the number the host sent.
Internal problem with the reader. If the problem persists, contact
Technical Support.
TAG INTEGRITY ERR Response from the tag failed the CRC check.
TAG NOT AUTHENTC An operation could not be performed on the tag because the tag
was not authenticated.
TAG NOT FOUND Good tag data is available, but the tag specifically requested was
not found (^RT, ^WT commands).
Repeat the process with another RFID label. If the problem
persists, contact Technical Support.
TAG NOT IN FIELD The tag specified was not in the RFID field.
TEMP ERROR Temperature sensor error.
Internal problem with the reader. If the problem persists, contact
Technical Support.
TIMEOUT TO LONG Internal problem with the reader. If the problem persists, contact
Technical Support.
TM ASSERT FAIL Internal problem with the reader. If the problem persists, contact
Technical Support.
T-R DATARATE ERR The tag to reader data bit rate is not supported by the reader, the
tag, or both.
UNKNOWN ERR An unidentified error occurred.
If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.
VERIFY FAIL Internal problem with the reader. If the problem persists, contact
Technical Support.
VERIFY FAILED The write operation could not be verified because the tag data
could not be read.
Check that the tag is good, and repeat the process with another
RFID label. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.
WRITE AFI ERR There was an error writing to the AFI byte.
Verify that the tag that you are using supports this feature and that
they byte is unlocked. If the problem persists, contact Technical
WRITE DATA ERR This can occur when one of a number of RFID operations fails.
Check that the tag is good, and repeat the process with another
RFID label. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.
Table 6 • RFID Error and Status Message Definitions (Continued)
RFID Error or
Status Message
Description/Action Required