Zebra Technologies TTP 2000 Photo Scanner User Manual

Summary of Control Codes & Escape Sequences
09/14/2009 TTP 2000 Technical Manual P1002902-002
Summary of Control Codes & Escape Sequences
Table 2 • Control Codes and Escape Sequences in Alphabetical Order
Command Hex Decimal Function
ESC # 1B 23 27 35 Calibrate TOF Sensor page 39
ESC Z 1B 5A 27 90 Go to next Top of Form page 39
ESC o n1 1B 6F n1 27 111 n1 Text and logotype orientation page 40
ESC N n1 1B 4E n1 27 78 n1 Align Text page 40
BS 08 8 Backspace page 44
CAN 18 24 Cancel page 44
CR 0D 13 Carriage return page 44
EM n 19 n1 25 n1 Enforced Clear Presenter page 57
ENQ 05 5 Clear Presenter page 58
ESC ACK n1 1B 06 n1 27 6 n1 Acknowledge Marker page 70
ESC | 1B 7C n1…nx 27 124 n1…nx Barcode print page 49
ESC ! n1 1B 21 n1 27 33 n1 Select Font page 41
ESC & 0 1B 26 00 27 38 0 Load Font page 60
ESC & 1 1B 26 01 27 38 1 Load Logotype page 59
ESC & 4 1B 26 04 27 38 4 Store current Parameter Values page 59
ESC & C 1B 26 43 27 38 67 Erase all Fonts page 60
ESC & D 1B 26 44 27 38 68 Erase Fonts 4 to 7 page 60
ESC & F 1B 26 46 27 38 70 Recall Parameter Profile page 60
ESC & L 1B 26 4C 27 38 76 Erase all Logotypes page 59
1B 26 50 n1...n2 27 38 80 n1...n2 Set Parameter Value page 61
ESC ? 1B 3F 27 63 Reset (full) page 59
ESC @ 1B 40 27 64 Reset (initialize) page 59
ESC b n1...n5 1B 62 n1...n5 27 98 n1...n5 Print Bitmap at XY-position page 51
ESC B n1 1B 42 n1 27 66 n1 Bold page 41
ESC B C 1B 42 43 n1 27 66 67 n1 Barcode Clear page 49
ESC BS 1B 42 53 n1...n11 27 66 83 n1...n11 Barcode field Specify page 44
ESC BW 1B 42 57 n1 27 66 87 n1 Barcode Write page 48
ESC d n1 1B 64 n1 27 100 n1 Make n Linefeeds page 45
ESC ENQ 1 1B 05 01 27 5 1 Status Enquiry page 62
ESC ENQ 2 1B 05 02 27 5 2 Paper-near-end Enquiry page 63
ESC ENQ 4 1B 05 04 27 5 4 Fonts and Logotype Enquiry page 64
ESC ENQ 5 1B 05 05 27 5 5 Sensor Enquiry page 65