Software Command Syntax
09/14/2009 TTP 2000 Technical Manual P1002902-002
Clears the bar code field reserved by command <ESC>BS.
This command positions and prints a PDF 417 2D barcode.
Barcode Clear
1B 42 43 n1 hex
27 66 67 n1 decimal
n Specifies which bar code field to clear. The range is 0 to 15. The fields may be
cleared in any order.
ESC | n1 nx
Barcode print (PDF 417)
1B 7C n1 nx Hex
027 124 n1 nx Decimal
Note • PDF 417 requires special firmware in the printer. See Firmware on page 116.
n1 Specifies the type of bar code. The following types are supported:
n1 = 5 PDF417
n2n3 Specifies the X-coordinate of the bar code field origin. n2 is the most
significant byte (MSB). n3 is the least significant byte (LSB).
n4n5 Specifies the Y-coordinate of the bar code field origin. The Y-coordinate is
discarded in variable document mode. n4 is the most significant byte (MSB).
n5 is the least significant byte. (LSB).
Rows of barcode data. The valid range is 0 for automatic row calculation or
3-90 to specify the number of rows.
Columns of barcode data. The valid range is 0 for automatic column
calculation or 1-30 to specify the number of columns.
n8 Specifies the error correction level for the PDF417 barcode. The valid range is
0 for automatic calculation or 1-9 to specify an error level (ErrorLevel 0 to
ErrorLevel 8, respectively).
n9 Specifies in pixels the height of each row of the barcode.
n10 Specifies the scaling factor of the barcode
n11n12 Specifies the length of the data to follow.
Both n11 and n12 are specified as 0. The data field (n13...nx) is terminated by
a null.
If n11 and n12 are non-zero, they specify the length of the n13...nx data that
follows. The valid range for this parameter is 0 (which species the null
terminated behavior) and 1 to 2710. Even when using the null terminated
behavior, you cannot specify more than 2710 bytes (not including the
terminating null).
n13...nx Byte data to be encoded. Data must be null-terminated if n11 and n12 are 0 or
must be the length specified by n11 and n12 otherwise.