Print Server
Print Setting Description Default Value Allowable Range See
Threshold (jobs) Specifies the minimum
number of print jobs required
in the print queue before
printing begins
1 1 - 100 Setting print queue
limits (see page 68)
Threshold override
Specifies the number of
minutes after which printing
begins, regardless of the
threshold value
60 1 - 1500 Setting print queue
limits (see page 68)
Startup state Specifies the startup mode of
the print queue for the ML-500
Print Server
Suspend Suspend -
Selecting a startup
state (see page 69)
Successful jobs (MB) Specifies the amount of
memory to allocate to the
storage of successfully
printed image files
Alert when full
0 - 50000 Allocating disk space
to print job folders
(see page 68)
Failed jobs (MB) Specifies the amount of
memory to allocate to the
storage of image files that
failed to print
Alert when full
0 - 50000 Allocating disk space
to print job folders
(see page 68)