Users>Local Groups
To add the user to a User Group, select one or more groups, and click ->. The user then becomes a
member of the selected groups. To remove a group, select the group from the Member of column,
and click <-.
VPN Access
To allow users to access networks using a VPN tunnel, select the network from the Networks list and
click -> to move it to the Access List.
To remove a network from the Access List, select the network and click <-. Click OK to complete the
user configuration.
Editing Local Users
You can edit local users from the Users > Local Users screen. To edit a local user, In the list of users,
click the edit icon in same line as the user you are editing.
Configure the Settings, Groups, and VPN Access exactly as when adding a new user.
Guest Services
Click the Guest Services tab to enable guest service for this user.
Users>Local Groups
Local groups are displayed in the Local Groups table. The table lists Name, Bypass Filters,
Limited Admin, VPN Access, and Configure. A default group, Everyone, is listed in the first row of