Network > Zones
Adding a New Zone
To add a new Zone, click Add under the Zone Settings table. The Add Zone window is displayed.
Type a name for the new zone in the Name field.
Select a security type Trusted, Public or Wireless from the Security Type menu. Use Trusted
for Zones that you want to assign the highest level of trust, such as internal LAN segments. Use
Public for Zones with a lower level of trust requirements, such as a DMZ Interface. Use Wireless
for the WLAN interface.
If you want to allow intra-zone communications, select Allow Interface Trust. If not, select the
Allow Interface Trust checkbox.
Select any of the SonicWALL Security Services you want to enforce on the zone.
Click OK. The new zone is now added to the SonicWALL security appliance.
Deleting a Zone
You can delete a zone by clicking the Trashcan icon in the Configure column. The Trashcan icon is
unavailable for the predefined Zones (LAN, WAN, DMZ, VPN, WLAN, and MULTICAST). You cannot
delete these zones. Any zones that you create can be deleted.
Configuring the WLAN Zone
Click the Edit icon for the WLAN zone. The Edit Zone window is displayed.
In the General tab, select the Allow Interface Trust setting to automate the creation of Access
Rules to allow traffic to flow between the Interfaces of a zone instance. For example, if the LAN
Zone has interfaces X0, X3, and X5 assigned to it, checking Allow Interface Trust on the LAN
Zone creates the necessary Access Rules to allow hosts on these Interfaces to communicate with
each other.
Select any of the following settings to enable the SonicWALL Security Services on the WLAN
SonicWALL Content Filtering Service - Enforces content filtering on multiple interfaces in the
same Trusted, Public and WLAN zones.
SonicWALL Enforce Anti-Virus Service - Enforces anti-virus protection on multiple
interfaces in the same Trusted, Public or WLAN zones.
SonicWALL Intrusion Protection Service (IPS) - Enforces intrusion detection and prevention
on multiple interfaces in the same Trusted, Public or WLAN zones.