Chapter 8 Route
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
The following table describes the commands available for policy route. You must use the
configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these
policy_number The number of a policy route. 1 - X where X is the highest number of policy routes
the ZyWALL model supports. See the ZyWALL’s User’s Guide for details.
schedule_object The name of the schedule. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value
is case-sensitive.
service_name The name of the service (group). You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value
is case-sensitive.
user_name The name of a user (group). You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value
is case-sensitive.
destv6 The IPv6 route prefix (subnet address) for the destination.
prefix The IPv6 prefix length, 0 - 128.
gatewayv6 The IPv6 address of the specified gateway.
ipv6_addr An IPv6 address.
ipv6_global_address An IPv6 address excluding the link-local address (fe80::).
ipv6_link_local An fe80:: IPv6 address.
Table 43 Input Values for General Policy Route Commands (continued)
Table 44 Command Summary: Policy Route
[no] bwm activate Globally enables bandwidth management. You must globally activate
bandwidth management to have individual policy routes or application
patrol policies apply bandwidth management. The no command
globally disables bandwidth management.
policy {policy_number | append | insert
Enters the policy-route sub-command mode to configure, add or insert
a policy.
[no] auto-destination When you set tunnel as the next-hop type (using the next-hop
tunnel command) for this route, you can use this command to have
the ZyWALL use the local network of the peer router that initiated an
incoming dynamic IPSec tunnel as the destination address of the policy
instead of what you configure by using the destination command.
The no command disables the setting.
[no] auto-disable When you set interface or trunk as the next-hop type (using the
next-hop interface or next-hop trunk command) for this route,
you can use this command to have the ZyWALL automatically disable
this policy route when the next-hop’s connection is down. The no
command disables the setting.
[no] bandwidth <1..1048576> priority
<1..1024> [maximize-bandwidth-usage]
Sets the maximum bandwidth and priority for the policy. The no
command removes bandwidth settings from the rule. You can also turn
maximize bandwidth usage on or off.
[no] deactivate Disables the specified policy. The no command enables the specified
[no] description description Sets a descriptive name for the policy. The no command removes the
name for the policy.
[no] destination {address_object|any} Sets the destination IP address the matched packets must have. The
no command resets the destination IP address to the default (any).
any means all IP addresses.