ZyXEL Communications 3.1 Security Camera User Manual

Chapter 16 Firewall
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} append Enters the IPv6 firewall sub-command mode to add a
direction specific through-ZyWALL rule or to-ZyWALL
rule to the end of the global rule list. See Table 67 on
page 137 for the sub-commands.
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} delete
Removes a direction specific IPv6 through-ZyWALL
rule or to-ZyWALL rule.
<1..5000>: the index number in a direction specific
firewall rule list.
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} flush Removes all direction specific IPv6 through-ZyWALL
rule or to-ZyWALL rules.
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} insert
Enters the IPv6 firewall sub-command mode to add a
direction specific through-ZyWALL rule or to-ZyWALL
rule before the specified rule number. See Table 67 on
page 137 for the sub-commands.
firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} move
rule_number to rule_number
Moves a direction specific IPv6 through-ZyWALL rule
or to-ZyWALL rule to the number that you specified.
[no] firewall activate Enables the IPv6 firewall on the ZyWALL. The
command disables the IPv6 firewall.
firewall6 append Enters the IPv6 firewall sub-command mode to add a
global firewall rule to the end of the global rule list.
See Table 67 on page 137 for the sub-commands.
firewall6 default-rule action {allow | deny | reject} {
no log | log [alert] }
Sets how the IPv6 firewall handles packets that do not
match any other firewall rule.
firewall6 delete rule_number Removes a IPv6 firewall rule.
firewall6 flush Removes all IPv6 firewall rules.
firewall6 insert rule_number Enters the IPv6 firewall sub-command mode to add a
firewall rule before the specified rule number. See
Table 67 on page 137 for the sub-commands.
firewall6 move rule_number to rule_number Moves a IPv6 firewall rule to the number that you
show connlimit6 max-per-host Displays the highest number of IPv6 sessions that the
ZyWALL will permit a host to have at one time.
show firewall6 Displays all IPv6 firewall settings.
show firewall6 rule_number Displays a IPv6 firewall rule’s settings.
show firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL} Displays all IPv6 firewall rules settings for the
specified packet direction.
show firewall6 zone_object {zone_object|ZyWALL}
Displays a specified IPv6 firewall rule’s settings for the
specified packet direction.
show firewall6 status Displays whether or not the IPv6 firewall is active,
whether or not IPv6 asymmetrical route topology is
allowed, and the default IPv6 firewall rule’s
show firewall6 block_rules Displays all the IPv6 firewall rules that deny access.
show firewall6 any ZyWALL Shows all the IPv6 to-ZyWALL firewall rules.
[no] firewall6 asymmetrical-route activate Allows or disallows asymmetrical route topology for
IPv6 traffic.
Table 66 Command Summary: Firewall (continued)