Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
•The auxiliary interface, along with an external modem, provides an interface the ZyWALL can
use to dial out. This interface can be used as a backup WAN interface, for example. The auxiliary
interface controls the DIAL BACKUP port (labeled AUX on some models).
• Trunks manage load balancing between interfaces.
Port groups, trunks, and the auxiliary interface have a lot of characteristics that are specific to each
type of interface. These characteristics are listed in the following tables and discussed in more
detail farther on.
* - The format of interface names is strict. Each name consists of 2-4 letters (interface type), followed by a number (x,
limited by the maximum number of each type of interface). For example, Ethernet interface names are ge1, ge2,
ge3, ...; VLAN interfaces are vlan0, vlan1, vlan2, ...; and so on.
** - The names of virtual interfaces are derived from the interfaces on which they are created. For example, virtual
interfaces created on Ethernet interface ge1 are called ge1:1, ge1:2, and so on. Virtual interfaces created on VLAN
interface vlan2 are called vlan2:1, vlan2:2, and so on. You cannot specify the number after the colon(:) in the web
configurator; it is a sequential number. You can specify the number after the colon if you use the CLI to set up a
virtual Interface Parameters
Table 11 Characteristics of Ethernet, VLAN, Bridge, PPPoE/PPTP, and Virtual Interface (ZyWALL
USG 300 and Above)
Name* gex vlanx brx pppx **
IP Address Assignment
static IP address
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
DHCP client Yes Yes Yes Yes No
routing metric
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interface Parameters
bandwidth restrictions
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
packet size (MTU) Yes Yes Yes Yes No
data size (MSS) Yes Yes Yes Yes No
traffic prioritization Yes Yes Yes Yes No
DHCP server
Yes Yes Yes No No
DHCP relay Yes Yes Yes No No
Ping Check Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Table 12 Ethernet, VLAN, Bridge, PPP, and Virtual Interface Characteristics (ZyWALL USG 200 and
Below Models)
Name* opt wan1, wan2 lan1, ext-
wlan, dmz
vlanx brx pppx **
Configurable Zone
Yes No No Yes Yes No No
IP Address Assignment
Static IP address
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
DHCP client Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Routing metric Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interface Parameters
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes