Chapter 27 Addresses
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
The following sections list the address object and address group commands.
27.2.1 Address Object Commands
This table lists the commands for address objects.
Table 140 address-object and address6-object Commands
show {address-object | address6-object |
service-object | schedule-object}
Displays information about the specified object or all the objects of
the specified type.
address-object object_name {ip | ip_range |
ip_subnet | interface-ip | interface-subnet |
interface-gateway} {interface}
Creates the specified IPv4 address object using the specified
ip_range: <1..255>.<0..255>.<0..255>.<1..255>-
ip_subnet: <1..255>.<0..255>.<0..255>.<0..255>/<1..32>
interface: Specify an interface when you create an object based
on an interface.
no address-object object_name Deletes the specified address object.
address-object rename object_name object_name Renames the specified address (first object_name) to the second
[no] address6-object object_name
{ipv6_address | ipv6_range | ipv6_subnet}
Creates the specified IPv6 address object using the specified
parameters. The no command removes the specified address object.
ipv6_address: IPv6 address
ipv6_range: IPv6 address range. For example: fe80:1234::1-
ipv6_subnet: IPv6 prefix format. For example:
[no] address6-object object_name interface-ip
interface {dhcpv6 | link-local | slaac |
static} {addr_index}
Creates the specified IPv6 address object based on the specified
interface object. Specify whether it is a DHCPv6 server, link-local IP
address, StateLess Address Auto Configuration IP address (slaac),
or static IPv6 address. The no command removes the specified
address object.
[no] address6-object object_name interface-
subnet interface {dhcpv6 | slaac | static}
Creates the specified IPv6 address object based on the specified
interface subnet object. Specify whether it is a DHCPv6 server,
SLAAC, or static IPv6 address. The no command removes the
specified address object.
[no]adderss6-object object_name interface-
gateway interface { slaac | static}
Creates the specified IPv6 address object based on the specified
interface gateway object. Specify whether it is a SLAAC or static
IPv6 address. The no command removes the specified address