Chapter 40 Logs
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
40.1.1 Log Entries Commands
This table lists the commands to look at log entries.
40.1.2 System Log Commands
This table lists the commands for the system log settings.
Table 187 logging Commands: Log Entries
show logging entries [priority pri] [category
module_name] [srcip ip] [srcip6 ipv6_addr]
[dstip ip] [dstip6 ipv6_addr] [service
service_name] [begin <1..512> end <1..512>]
[keyword keyword] [srciface interface_name]
[dstiface interface_name] [protocol protocol]
Displays the specified entries in the system log.
pri: alert | crit | debug | emerg | error | info | notice | warn
keyword: You can use alphanumeric and
characters, and it can be up to 63 characters long. This searches
the message, source, destination, and notes fields.
show logging entries field field [begin
<1..512> end <1..512>]
Displays the specified fields in the system log.
field: time | msg | src | dst | note | pri | cat | all
Table 188 logging Commands: System Log Settings
show logging status system-log Displays the current settings for the system log.
logging system-log category module_name
{disable | level normal | level all}
Specifies what kind of information, if any, is logged in the system log and
debugging log for the specified category.
[no] logging system-log suppression
interval <10..600>
Sets the log consolidation interval for the system log. The no command
sets the interval to ten.
[no] logging system-log suppression Enables log consolidation in the system log. The no command disables log
consolidation in the system log.
[no] connectivity-check continuous-log
Has the ZyWALL generate a log for each connectivity check. The no
command has the ZyWALL only log the first connectivity check.
show connectivity-check continuous-log
Displays whether or not the ZyWALL generates a log for each connectivity
clear logging system-log buffer Clears the system log.