ZyXEL Communications 3.1 Security Camera User Manual

Chapter 19 L2TP VPN
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
19.4 L2TP VPN Commands
The following table describes the values required for some L2TP VPN commands. Other values are
discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following sections list the L2TP VPN commands.
19.4.1 L2TP VPN Commands
This table lists the commands for L2TP VPN. You must use the configure terminal command to
enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
Table 79 Input Values for L2TP VPN Commands
address_object The name of an IP address (group) object. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is
interface_name The name of the interface.
Ethernet interface: For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1 - N, where N
equals the highest numbered Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt, lan1,
ext-wlan, or dmz.
VLAN interface: vlanx, x = 0 - 4094
bridge interface: brx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of bridge interfaces
your ZyWALL model supports.
ppp_interface PPPoE/PPTP interface: pppx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of PPPoE/PPTP
interfaces your ZyWALL model supports.
map_name The name of an IPSec SA. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(
or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
user_name The name of a user (group). You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(
or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
Table 80 L2TP VPN Commands
l2tp-over-ipsec recover default-
If the default L2TP IPSec policy has been deleted, use this command to recreate it
(with the default settings).
[no] l2tp-over-ipsec activate; Turns L2TP VPN on. The no command turns it off.
l2tp-over-ipsec crypto map_name Specifies the IPSec VPN connection the ZyWALL uses for L2TP VPN. It must meet
the requirements listed in Section 19.2 on page 157.
Note: Modifying this VPN connection (or the VPN gateway that it uses) disconnects
any existing L2TP VPN sessions.
l2tp-over-ipsec pool address-
Specifies the address object that defines the pool of IP addresses that the ZyWALL
uses to assign to the L2TP VPN clients.
l2tp-over-ipsec authentication
aaa authentication profile_name
Specifies how the ZyWALL authenticates a remote user before allowing access to
the L2TP VPN tunnel.
The authentication method has the ZyWALL check a user’s user name and
password against the ZyWALL’s local database, a remote LDAP, RADIUS, a Active
Directory server, or more than one of these.