Chapter 38 System Remote Management
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
[no] ip http secure-server cert certificate_name Specifies a certificate used by the HTTPS server. The no
command resets the certificate used by the HTTPS server
to the factory default (
certificate_name: The name of the certificate. You can
use up to 31 alphanumeric and
[no] ip http secure-server force-redirect Redirects all HTTP connection requests to a HTTPS URL.
no command disables forwarding HTTP connection
requests to a HTTPS URL.
ip http secure-server table {admin|user} rule
{rule_number|append|insert rule_number} access-group
{ALL|address_object} zone {ALL|zone_object} action
Sets a service control rule for HTTPS service.
ip http secure-server table {admin|user} rule move
rule_number to rule_number
Changes the index number of a HTTPS service control
ip http secure-server cipher-suite {cipher_algorithm}
[cipher_algorithm] [cipher_algorithm]
Sets the encryption algorithms (up to four) that the
ZyWALL uses for the SSL in HTTPS connections and the
sequence in which it uses them. The cipher_algorithm
can be any of the following.
rc4: RC4 (RC4 may impact the ZyWALL’s CPU
performance since the ZyWALL’s encryption accelerator
does not support it).
aes: AES
des: DES
3des: Triple DES.
no ip http secure-server cipher-suite
Has the ZyWALL not use the specified encryption
algorithm for the SSL in HTTPS connections.
[no] ip http server Allows HTTP access to the ZyWALL web configurator. The
no command disables HTTP access to the ZyWALL web
ip http server table {admin|user} rule
{rule_number|append|insert rule_number} access-group
{ALL|address_object} zone {ALL|zone_object} action
Sets a service control rule for HTTP service.
ip http server table {admin|user} rule move
rule_number to rule_number
Changes the number of a HTTP service control rule.
no ip http secure-server table {admin|user} rule
Deletes a service control rule for HTTPS service.
no ip http server table {admin|user} rule rule_number Deletes a service control rule for HTTP service.
show ip http server status Displays HTTP settings.
show ip http server secure status Displays HTTPS settings.
Table 171 Command Summary: HTTP/HTTPS (continued)