ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 173
This chapter introduces and shows you how to configure the anti-virus scanner.
21.1 Anti-Virus Overview
A computer virus is a small program designed to corrupt and/or alter the operation of other
legitimate programs. A worm is a self-replicating virus that resides in active memory and duplicates
itself. The effect of a virus attack varies from doing so little damage that you are unaware your
computer is infected to wiping out the entire contents of a hard drive to rendering your computer
21.2 Anti-virus Commands
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
Table 91 Input Values for General Anti-Virus Commands
zone_object The name of the zone. For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use up to 31 characters (a-
zA-Z0-9_-). The name cannot start with a number. This value is case-sensitive.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use pre-defined zone names like DMZ, LAN1,
av_file_pattern Use up to 80 characters to specify a file pattern. Alphanumeric characters, underscores
_), dashes (-), question marks (?) and asterisks (*) are allowed.
A question mark (?) lets a single character in the file name vary. For example, use
“a?.zip” (without the quotation marks) to specify aa.zip, ab.zip and so on.
Wildcards (*) let multiple files match the pattern. For example, use “*a.zip” (without the
quotation marks) to specify any file that ends with “a.zip”. A file named “testa.zip” would
match. There could be any number (of any type) of characters in front of the “a.zip” at
the end and the file name would still match. A file named “test.zipa” for example would
not match.
A * in the middle of a pattern has the ZyWALL check the beginning and end of the file
name and ignore the middle. For example, with “abc*.zip”, any file starting with “abc”
and ending in “.zip” matches, no matter how many characters are in between.
The whole file name has to match if you do not use a question mark or asterisk.
If you do not use a wildcard, the ZyWALL checks up to the first 80 characters of a file