Chapter 1 Command Line Interface
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
key length -- 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048
license key 25 “S-” + 6 upper-case letters or numbers + “-” + 16 upper-case
letters or numbers
mac address -- aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff (hexadecimal)
mail server fqdn lower-case letters, numbers, or -.
name 1-31 alphanumeric or _-
notification message 1-81 alphanumeric, spaces, or '()+,/:=?;!*#@$_%-
password: less than 15
1-15 alphanumeric or `~!@#$%^&*()_\-+={}|\;:'<,>./
password: less than 8
1-8 alphanumeric or ;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%,#$
password Used in user and ip ddns
1-63 alphanumeric or `~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}|\;:'<,>./
Used in e-mail log profile SMTP authentication
1-63 alphanumeric or `~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}|\;:'<>./
Used in device HA synchronization
1-63 alphanumeric or ~#%^*_-={}:,.
Used in registration
6-20 alphanumeric or .@_-
phone number 1-20 numbers or ,+
preshared key 16-64 “0x” or “0X” + 16-64 hexadecimal values
alphanumeric or ;|`~!@#$%^&*()_+\{}':,./<>=-
profile name 0-30 alphanumeric or _-
first character: letters or _-
proto name 1-16 lower-case letters, numbers, or -
protocol name 0-30 alphanumeric or _-
first character: letters or _-
quoted string less than
127 chars
1-255 alphanumeric, spaces, or ;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%,
quoted string less than
63 chars
1-63 alphanumeric, spaces, or ;/?:@&=+$\.-_!~*'()%
quoted string 0+ alphanumeric, spaces, or punctuation marks
enclosed in double quotation marks (“)
must put a backslash (\) before double quotation marks that are
part of input value itself
service name 0-63 alphanumeric or -_@$./
spi 2-8 hexadecimal
string less than 15
1-15 alphanumeric or -_
string: less than 63
1-63 alphanumeric or `~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}|\;:'<,>./
string 1+ alphanumeric or -_@
subject 1-61 alphanumeric, spaces, or '()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%-
system type 0-2 hexadecimal
timezone [-+]hh -- -12 through +12 (with or without “+”)
Table 3 Input-Value Formats for Strings in CLI Commands (continued)