Group :Admin
Active : 1
Dialin and Dialback should be enabled on the device used for modem communication.
When this configuration is set, the modem connection could be established. The user may use
various types of modem dial-up clients to accomplish a successful modem connection to the SX
Dialback with remote Radius user (Cistron Radius v1.6.7)
Dialin and Dialback should be enabled on the device used for modem communication. Primary
(or/and Secondary) RADIUS Server Settings should be configured correctly and enabled on the
SX device:
admin > Config > Authentication > RADIUS > primaryradius
RADIUS Server Settings
Primary Server
Enabled - true
IP Address -
Port - 1812
Secret - qaz1wsx
On the Remote Radius Server, the user’s configuration should contain the following line:
Filter-Id = "raritan:G{<local user group>}:D{<number for dialback>}"
Dialback with remote LDAP user. (OpenLdap v.2 & v.3)
Dialin and Dialback should be enabled on the device used for modem communication. Primary
(or/and Secondary) LDAP Server Settings should be configured correctly and enabled on the SX
LDAP Server Settings
Primary Server
Enabled - true
IP Address -
Port - 389
Secret - root
Base DN - cn=root,o=bianor
Base Search - o=bianor
Auth Query String -rciusergroup
Dialback Query String - telephoneNumber