Raritan Computer DSX-0N-E Security Camera User Manual

1. Type Configuration to change the unit’s configuration.
2. Type Network to select the network configuration.
3. Type:
admin > Config > Network > interface enable true if lan1 ip mask 255.255.255 gw
.Upon successfully entering the data, a report will display the new network configuration and you
will be prompted to reboot the unit.
4. Type yes to reboot the Dominion SX.
5. You can now remove the serial cable.
6. Reconnect from the installation computer browser to the Dominion SX using the new IP
address and password and proceed.
User Configuration
1. Type Configuration to change the unit’s configuration.
2. Type Users to select the user configuration.
To add a user group
addgroup name <group name> class <class type> ports <n1,n2,n3...>
where <group name> is the name of the group and <class type> is
Op for operator
Ob for observer.
<n1,n2,n3...> is a list of port numbers this group has access to, separated by comas and no
spaces. You could configure port ranges using the same parameters as well, or use the wildcard
asterisk (*). For example:
“config port 3-7 exitstring #0”(this disables exit strings for ports
config port * bps 115200 (this sets all ports to a communications speed of
115200 bps)
To add a user
1. Type
adduser user <user name> fullname <full name> group <group name>
password <password> info <information> dialback <dialback number>
active <status>
where <user name> is user’s login name,
<full name> is a user’s descriptive name (no spaces),
<group name> is the user’s assigned group,
<password> is the user’s password,
<information> is extra information (optional, no spaces),
<dialback number> is the user’s phone number (optional),
<status> is true or false, allowing the user to login or not.
2. Type top to return to the top level of the CLI menu.