
Display a List of User Groups
To display a list of existing user groups, click the User Management tab, and then click User
Group List. The Group List screen appears (Figure 20).
Figure 20 Group List Screen
The Group List screen shows every user group created to date, and for each one gives the group’s
name and class.
Create a User Group
To create a new user group:
1. Click the User Management tab, and then click User Group List. The Group List screen
appears (Figure 20).
2. Click Add New User Group. The New Group screen appears.
Figure 21 New Group Screen
3. Type a group name in the Group Name field.
You can enter any number of characters up to a maximum of 255.
You can enter all letters and numbers, as well as the underscore character (_)
The user name is case sensitive.
4. Select the class from the drop-down menu in the Class field. Your choices are:
Operator This is the default. Users associated with the Operator class have read/write
access to the console window, and cannot change any system configuration parameters
except their own password.