Nikon D7000 Digital Camera User Manual

Eye-Fi currently offer four models, including the basic Eye-Fi Home (about $50), which
can be used to transmit your photos from the dSLR to a computer on your home net-
work (or any other network you set up somewhere, say, at a family reunion). Eye-Fi
Share and Eye-Fi Share Video (about $60 and $80, respectively) are basically exactly the
same (Share Video is 4GB instead of 2GB in capacity), but include software to allow
you to upload your images from your camera through your computer network directly
to websites and digital printing services already mentioned. The most sophisticated
option is Eye-Fi Explore, a 4GB SDHC card that adds geographic location labels to
your photo (so you’ll know where you took it), and frees you from your own computer
network by allowing uploads from more than 10,000 WiFi hotspots around the USA.
Very cool, and the ultimate in picture backup.
Focus Stacking
If you are doing macro (close-up) photography of flowers, or other small objects at short
distances, the depth-of-field often will be extremely narrow. In some cases, it will be so
narrow that it will be impossible to keep the entire subject in focus in one photograph.
Although having part of the image out of focus can be a pleasing effect for a portrait of
a person, it is likely to be a hindrance when you are trying to make an accurate photo-
graphic record of a flower, or small piece of precision equipment. One solution to this
Chapter 7 Advanced Techniques 197
Figure 7.12
Functions of
the Eye-Fi card
can be con-
trolled from
your computer.