Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Appendix C Error and Event Messages
Inter-Access Point Protocol Messages
Error Message DOT11-6-MCAST_DISCARD: “%s mode multicast packets are discarded in %s
multicast mode.”
The access point configured as a workgroup bridge and drops infrastructure mode
multicast packets in client mode and drops client mode multicast packets in infrastructure mode.
Recommended Action None.
Inter-Access Point Protocol Messages
Error Message DOT11-6-STANDBY_ACTIVE: “Standby to Active, Reason = %s (%d).”
The access point is transitioning from standby mode to active mode for the indicated
Recommended Action None.
Error Message DOT11-6-STANDBY_REQUEST: “Hot Standby request to shutdown radios from
The indicated standby access point has requested that this access point shut down its
radio interfaces because a failure has been detected on one of this access point’s radio interfaces.
Recommended Action None.
Error Message DOT11-6-ROGUE_AP: “Rogue AP %e reported. Reason: %s.”
A station has reported a potential rogue access point for the indicated reason.
Recommended Action None.
Local Authenticator Messages
Error Message RADSRV-4-NAS_UNKNOWN: Unknown authenticator: [ip-address]
The local RADIUS server received an authentication request but does not recognize the
IP address of the network access server (NAS) that forwarded the request.
Recommended Action Make sure that every access point on your wireless LAN is configured as a
NAS on your local RADIUS server.