Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 4 Configuring the Access Point for the First Time
Configuring IPv6
Command Purpose
ipv6 nd ? Configures neighbor discovery protocol.
ipv6 nd ns-interval value This command is available only on bridge group virtual interface
Sets the interval between IPv6 neighbor solicitation retransmissions on
an interface.
ipv6 nd reachable-time value Sets the amount of time that a remote IPv6 node is reachable.
ipv6 nd dad attempts value This command is available only on bridge group virtual interface
Configures the number of consecutive neighbor solicitation messages
sent when duplicate address detection is performed on the unicast IPv6
ipv6 nd dad time value Configures the interval between IPv6 neighbor solicit transmissions
for duplicate address detection.
ipv6 nd autoconfig default-router This command is available only on bridge group virtual interface
Configures a default route to the Neighbor Discovery-derived default
ipv6 nd autoconfig prefix This command is available only on bridge group virtual interface
Configures router solicitation message to solicit a router advertisement
to eliminate any delay in waiting for the next periodic router
ipv6 nd cache expire expire-time-in-seconds Configures the length of time before the IPv6 neighbor discovery cache
entry expires.
ipv6 nd cache interface-limit size [log rate] Configures a neighbor discovery cache limit on a specified interface.
ipv6 nd na glean This command is available only on bridge group virtual interface
Configures neighbor discovery to glean an entry from an unsolicited
neighbor advertisement.
ipv6 nd nsf {convergence time-in-seconds| dad
[suppress]| throttle resolutions}
Configures IPv6 neighbor discovery non-stop forwarding. You can
specify the covergence time in seconds (10 to 600 seconds), suppress
duplicate address detection (DAD), or set the number of resolutions to
use with non-stop forwarding (NSF).
ipv6 nd nud limit limit Configures the number of neighbor unreachability detection (NUD)
resends, and set a limit to the number of unresolved resends.
ipv6 nd resolution data limit limit-in-packets Configures a limit to the number of data packets in queue awaiting
neighbor discovery (ND) resolution.
ipv6 nd route-owner Inserts Neighbor Discovery-learned routes into the routing table with
"ND" status and enables ND autoconfiguration behavior.