Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Chapter 6 Managing a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Service Request
Setting the Service Request Details
If you choose 1:2 or 2:2, enter values in the Outer VLAN ID and Inner VLAN ID text boxes
that appear. The outer and inner tags of all the incoming frames that fulfill the match criteria
will be translated to these IDs.
b. If the Match Inner and Outer Tags check box is unchecked (false), choose a translation type of 1:1
or 1:2 from the Translation Type drop-down list.
If you choose 1:1, enter a value in the Outer VLAN ID text box that appears. The outer tag of
all the incoming frames that fulfill the match criteria will be translated to this ID.
If you choose 1:2, enter values in the Outer VLAN ID and Inner VLAN ID text boxes that
appear. The outer and inner tags of all the incoming frames that fulfill the match criteria will be
translated to these IDs.
Step 21 Clicked Next to save the settings in the FlexUNI Details window.
The Standard UNI Details window appears, as shown in Figure 6-5.
Step 22 Continue with setting the standard UNI link attributes in the next steps.
Editing the Standard UNI Attributes
The following steps cover setting the attributes in the Standard UNI Details window. In the case of a link
which is not set as a FlexUNI link (by not checking the FlexUNI check box in the Service Request
Details window), editing the link attributes begins with this window.
Note The attributes that appear in the Standard UNI Details window are dynamically configured by ISC. Some
of the attributes covered in the steps below might not appear in the window, depending on the policy and
service request settings or the link type. For example, if the MPLS core connectivity type of the
FlexUNI/EVC policy is local, the pseudowire-related attributes will not appear. Also, setting the link as
FlexUNI or non-FlexUNI will change the attributes that appear in the window. In addition, attributes are
filtered based on device type (IOS or IOS XR). These cases are noted in the steps, for reference.
Some possible presentations of the Standard UNI attributes are shown in Figure 6-4 through Figure 6-6.
Figure 6-4 is an example of a direct connect link for a Cisco 7600 device running IOS with pseudowire
core connectivity, configure bridge domain enabled, and the FlexUNI check box checked.
Figure 6-4 Standard UNI Details Window (Cisco 7600, Configure Bridge Domain Enabled)