Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Appendix E ISC Layer 2 VPN Concepts
Layer 2 Terminology Conventions
ISC Terminology and Supported Network Types
This section discusses the ISC terminology for Layer 2 services and supported network types. ISC can
provision the following service types:
• E-Line (EPL/EWS and EVPL/ERS)
ISC also supports provisioning Ethernet services on a network that consists only of Ethernet switches
(no MPLS), and this is referred to in ISC terminology as VPLS with L2 core.
Note For E-Line and E-LAN services, we recommend using the FlexUNI/EVC service policy type (see the
appropriate chapters in this guide for how to create FlexUNI/EVC policies and service requests). You
might have existing services that have been provisioned using the L2VPN and VPLS service policy
types. These are still supported and can be maintained with those service types, but new services should
use the FlexUNI /EVC service policy type. For ATM and FRoMPLS services, use the L2VPN service
policy, as before.
In the ISC GUI and throughout this user guide, the naming conventions for these Ethernet services
appear. These align closely with the earlier MEF conventions. This is expected to be updated in future
releases of ISC. The equivalent terms used by the MEF forum are summarized in
Table E-3, for
Table E-3 Ethernet Service Term Mappings
Term Used in ISC 5.2 GUI and This User Guide Current MEF Equivalent Term
L2VPN over MPLS Core
Ethernet Wire Service (EWS) Ethernet Private Line (EPL)
Ethernet Relay Service (ERS) Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL)
Frame Relay over MPLS (FRoMPLS) —
Ethernet Wire Service (EWS) or
Ethernet Multipoint Service (EMS)
Ethernet Private LAN (EP-LAN)
Ethernet Relay Service (ERS) or
Ethernet Relay Multipoint Service (ERMS)
Ethernet Virtual Private LAN (EVP-LAN)
VPLS over Ethernet Core
Ethernet Wire Service (EWS) Ethernet Private LAN (EP-LAN)
Ethernet Relay Service (ERS) Ethernet Virtual Private LAN (EVP-LAN)