Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Appendix B Working with Templates and Data Files
Template Attributes
The ISC template mechanism allows you to differentiate templates by specifying (optional) attributes on
a template, including:
• Device type
• Line card type
• Port type
• Software version (IOS or IOS XR)
These attributes are set through a drop-down list when setting up the template in Template Manager. ISC
uses these attributes to automatically select the template/data file that most closely matches the device
defined within the service request. See the section
Using Templates with Service Requests, page B-10,
for additional information.
Associating Templates at the Policy Level
ISC supports the association of templates and data files in policies.
Selective Determination of Templates for U-PE and PE-AGG Device Roles
For added flexibility, ISC allows you to selectively apply templates to U-PE and PE-AGG devices (for
example, in a ring environment) based on whether the devices have a UNI interface.
Enhanced Subtemplate Support
A new attribute in the Template Editor allows subtemplates to be associated with a template. ISC
supports dynamic instantiation of subtemplates based on device attributes. While creating the
subtemplates, values for these identifiers must be provided by the operator.
Dynamic Data File Creation
The user can create a data file during service request creation and associate it to the template copied from
the associated policy. This functionality extends data file creation from the Template wizard to doing so
directly from the service request wizard Template Association screen. In addition, you can modify any
or all variables that are part of the template/date file attached to a service request and apply the updated
template/data file without removing the entire service.
Automatic Application of Negate Templates
To remove a configuration created from a template/data file, a negate template must be applied to the
existing service. This is no longer a manual process in ISC. You create both the positive and negate
template. You can assign a positive template/data file to a policy. ISC calls the appropriate negate
template at the appropriate time, as the negate template has a direct relationship with the deploy
template. ISC determines which negate template to use, based on the service request action requested
(for example, deploying or decommissioning a service). The negate template has the same name as the
template, with the addition of the suffix .Negate. The negate template does not share the data file of the
deploy template. The negate template must have its own data file defined.
Compatibility of the Template Mechanism with Previous ISC Releases
ISC maintains compatibility with the template mechanism in previous ISC releases. Templates created
in earlier versions of ISC work “as is,” without any modifications to the templates or the workflow. In
the case of a policy in the system that was created in an earlier ISC release, the GUI workflow for
associating templates/data files is not visible. In such a case, the operator adds the template and data files
during service deployment, as in previous releases of ISC.