Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Deploying, Monitoring, and Auditing Service
This chapter describes how to deploy, monitor and audit L2VPN, VPLS or FlexUNI/EVC service
requests, and how to access task logs. It contains the following sections:
• Deploying Service Requests, page 11-1
• Monitoring Service Requests, page 11-10
• Auditing Service Requests, page 11-12
Deploying Service Requests
To apply L2VPN, VPLS, or FlexUNI policies to network devices, you must deploy the service request.
When you deploy a service request, ISC compares the device information in the Repository (the ISC
database) with the current device configuration and generates a configlet.
Pre-Deployment Changes
You can change the Dynamic Component Properties Library (DCPL) parameter
actionTakenOnUNIVlanList before you deploy an L2VPN or VPLS service request. This will be
necessary if the trunk allowed vlan list is not present on the User Network Interface (UNI).
To make this change, perform the following steps.
Step 1 Choose Administration > Control Center.
Step 2 Choose the host that you want to change.
Step 3 Click Config.
Step 4 Choose Provisioning > Service > shared > actionTakenOnUNIVlanList.
The window shown in Figure 11-1 appears.