Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Chapter 6 Managing a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Service Request
Setting the Service Request Details
• N-PE Pseudo-wire on SVI is applicable for all connectivity types (PSEUDOWIRE or LOCAL), but
a hybrid SVI configuration is possible only for pseudowire connectivity.
• When MPLS Core Connectivity Type is set as LOCAL connectivity type, the N-PE Pseudo-wire on
SVI attribute is always disabled in the policy and service request.
• For examples of these cases, see configlet examples FlexUNI/EVC (Pseudowire Core Connectivity,
Bridge Domain, Pseudowire on SVI) and FlexUNI/EVC (Pseudowire Core Connectivity, no Bridge
Domain, no Pseudowire on SVI).
• For additional information on the N-PE Pseudo-wire on SVI attribute, see the corresponding
coverage in the FlexUNI/EVC policy chapter in the section
Setting the Interface Attributes,
page 3-16.
• The N-PE Pseudo-wire on SVI attribute is not supported for IOS XR devices. All the xconnect
commands are configured on L2 subinterfaces/service instance.
Step 29 Check the Use Existing PW Class check box to enable the selection of a pseudowire class.
This attribute is unchecked by default.
Usage notes:
• If Use Existing PW Class is checked, an additional attribute, Existing PW Class Name, appears in
the GUI. Enter the name of a pseudowire class which already exists in the device.
• If Use Existing PW Class is checked, the PW Tunnel Selection and Interface Tunnel attributes will
disappear from the window. This is to prevent ISC from generating the pseudowire class.
• The Use PseudoWireClass attribute is only available if the MPLS core connectivity type was set as
PSEUDOWIRE in the Service Options window (see
Pseudowire Core Connectivity, page 6-3).
• Use PseudoWireClass is only applicable for IOS XR devices.
Step 30 Check the PW Tunnel Selection check box if you want to be able to manually select the Traffic
Engineering (TE) tunnel for the pseudowire connecting point-to-point N-PEs.
Usage notes:
• Checking the PW Tunnel Selection check box activates the Interface Tunnel attribute field (see the
next step).
• This attribute only appears if the MPLS core connectivity type is set as pseudowire in the
FlexUNI/EVC policy.
Step 31 If you checked the PW Tunnel Selection check box, enter the TE tunnel ID in the Interface Tunnel text
ISC uses the tunnel information to create and provision a pseudowire class that describes the pseudowire
connection between two N-PEs. This pseudowire class can be shared by more than one pseudowire, as
long as the pseudowires share the same tunnel ID and remote loopback address. During service request
creation, ISC does not check the validity of the tunnel ID number. That is, ISC does not verify the
existence of the tunnel.
Step 32 Check the Use PseudoWireClass check box to enable the selection of a pseudowire class.
This attribute is unchecked by default.
Usage notes:
• The pseudowire class name is used for provisioning pw-class commands on IOS XR devices. See
Creating and Modifying Pseudowire Classes for IOS XR Devices, page 2-10 for additional
information on pseudowire class support for IOS XR devices.