Source Selection
All buttons in the Source Select region have three levels of
■ OFF indicates not selected;
■ DIM or “low tally” indicates selected, but not on-air;
■ BRIGHT or “high tally” indicates selected and on-air.
Only one button in each row is illuminated at any time.
Primary Source Selection (Primary Crosspoints)
The Source Select Buttons are used to select which of the
inputs into the switcher will be used in the switcher.
Each row of primary source selection buttons consists of
16 buttons. Each can have a designator under a clear
lens cap.
Each input, including internally generated signals such as black
and background, can be mapped to any vertical column of
crosspoint buttons. Thus, each column of buttons may be
visualized as an input bus of video or key crosspoints. Each input
can be treated as either a video signal or a key signal, as defined
in the Configuration menu.
The input signals on each input column can be placed on any
output bus (horizontal row) by pressing the crosspoint button at
the intersection of the column and row. Any video/key input may
be selected on any number of output buses; however each output
bus can have only one output signal selected on it at one time.
SHIFT button located at the right end of each primary source
selection row is used to access inputs 17 through 32. To select a
shifted input, hold SHIFT down (button lamp comes on) and press
a crosspoint button on that bus. The SHIFT button lamp then
remains lit to show that the selection is a shifted selection. The
Shift mode will turn off when an unshifted selection is made on
that bus.