Polycom (RMX) 1500 Security Camera User Manual

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RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/1800/2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide
Polycom®, Inc. 443
4 Click OK.
The Recording Link is added to the Collaboration Server unit.
Enabling the Recording Features in a Conference IVR Service
To record a conference, a Conference IVR Service in which the recording messages and DTMF codes are
activated must be assigned to the conference. The default Conference IVR Service shipped with the
Collaboration Server includes the recording-related voice messages and default DTMF codes that enable
the conference chairperson to control the recording process from the endpoint. You can modify these default
To modify the default recording settings for an existing Conference IVR Service:
1 In the RMX Management pane, click IVR Services ().
The IVR Services are listed in the IVR Services list pane.
2 To modify the default recording settings, double-click the Conference IVR Service or right-click and
select Properties.
The Conference IVR Service Properties dialog box is displayed.
Alias Name If using the endpoint’s alias instead of IP address, first select the alias type and
then enter the endpoint’s alias.
If you are associating this recording link to a VRR on the RSS, define the alias as
If you are using the RSS IP address, enter the VRR number in the Alias field. For
example, if the VRR number is 5555, enter 5555.
Alternatively, if the Alias Type is set to H.323 ID, enter the RSS IP address and
the VRR number in the format:
<RSS_IP_Address>##<VRR number>
For example: If the RSS IP is and the VRR number is 5555, enter
Alias Type Depending on the format used to enter the information in the IP address and Alias
fields, select H.323 ID or E.164 (for multiple Recording links). E-mail ID and
Participant Number are also available.
Parameter Description