Prompt Description
Copies Specifies the number of copies to print.
The possible values are:
1 Only one copy of the output is printed.
Specify a value ranging from 1 through 255.
Print fidelity Specifies what action should be taken when any errors are detected
when the printout is being printed by the writer.
The possible values are:
Printing is performed as long as there is any way to correct
the error. For example,
Alternate font is used if the specified font is not
Data is ignored and not printed if the function is not
supported by the destination printer. A bar code is an
Printing is canceled when any errors are found. Printing
completes only when the file can be printed exactly as is
specified by the data stream. For example,
Alternate font is used, if the specified font is not
available, only when a font of the identical characteristics
is available. Otherwise, printing is canceled.
Print quality Specifies the quality of printout produced.
The possible values are:
*STD The output is printed with standard quality.
*DRAFT The output is printed with draft quality.
*NLQ The output is printed with near letter quality.
Duplex Specifies whether the output is printed on one side or on both sides of
the paper.
The possible values are:
N (No) The output is printed on one side of the paper.
Y (Yes) The output is printed on both sides of the paper, with the top
of each printed page at the same end of the sheet of paper.
This is usually done for output that is bound at the side.
| Omit back side
| page layout
| Specifies whether the page layout should be printed only on the front
| side of the paper. This option is used when only a back side overlay is
| to be printed on the back side of the paper.
| The possible values are:
| N (No) The page layout is printed on both sides of the paper.
| Y (Yes) The page layout is printed only on the front side of the
| paper.
| Note: Y can only be specified for Omit back side page
| layout when Y is specified for Duplex and a back side
| overlay is specified.
Form type Specifies the type of forms used in the printer.
The possible values are:
*STD The standard form for your system is used.
Form-type Specify the identifier of the form type used with this printer
device file for printed output.
Chapter 10. Work with PFD Definitions 183