
Select Source Overlay Font
Type option, press Enter.
Opt Number Text
ᑍDEFAULT 1 CPI Courier
1 1 CPI Courier
2 1 CPI Courier
3 1 CPI Courier
4 1 CPI Courier
5 1 CPI Courier
6 1 CPI Courier
7 1 CPI Courier
8 1 CPI Courier
F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
This display shows the list of source overlay fonts or PFD definition fonts. You can
select a font by typing 1 in the
column next to the
Font Number
column and
pressing Enter.
The following table explains each field in this display.
You may specify a 1 in the
column, then press Enter. Now you return to the
previous display.
Field Name Description
Opt Specify a 1 to specify a source overlay font or PFD definition font.
Font Number Shows the font number.
Text Shows the description of the font.
To specify a line element, first move the cursor to the start position of the line and
press the F9 key to define a line element. A mark %Lnnn (where nnn is 001 through
999) appears at the start position.
Move the cursor to the end position of the line element and press the F9 key again.
The key entry area will appear at the lower part of the image area. Start and end
| positions that were previously identified by the cursor are displayed. A line image
also appears to show the start and end positions on the image area.
To change a line element, move the cursor to the mark of the line and press the
F14 (Change) key. The key entry area will appear at the lower part of the image
240 AFP Utilities for AS/400 User’s Guide