
When you press Enter, the file is copied. When the copy is completed, the screen
returns to the Work with PFD Definition Files display on page 197.
4=Delete PFD Definition File
To delete a PFD definition file, do the following on the Work with PFD Definition
Files display on page 197.
1. Type 4 in the
column beside the PFD definition file you want to delete.
2. Press Enter.
The following display appears:
Confirm Delete of PFD Definition Files
Press Enter to confirm your choices for 4=Delete.
Press F12 to return to change your choices.
Opt File Library Text Changed
4 PFD2 PFULIB File for product label 12/13/9
F11=Display names only F12=Cancel
Using the Confirm Delete of PFD Definition Files display, you can confirm that you
want to delete the files you chose by selecting option 4 (Delete) on the Work with
PFD Definition Files display.
Note: You can delete only the PFD definition files for which you have the authority
to do so. If you do not have *OBJOPR and *OBJEXIST authority for a PFD
definition file, that PFD definition file is not deleted.
You should use the displayed list of names to verify that you do want to delete all
of the PFD definition files shown. If all of them are to be deleted, press Enter to
delete them. If any of them should not be deleted, press F12 (Cancel). If you
press F12, you return to the Work with PFD Definition Files display with all
selections still shown, and you can remove 4 from the column beside the PFD
definition file you do not want to delete.
Field Name Description
Opt The option field shows the delete option which causes the confirmation
display to be shown. For this display, the option number is always 4.
File Shows a list of all PFD definition files you chose to delete.
Chapter 11. Work with PFD Definition Files 205