
The key entry area appears at the lower part of the display. The
remainder of the create element operation is the same as that in the
screen view.
Step 2. Press the F4 key to specify the other parameters if necessary.
Step 3. After completing the parameter specification, press Enter to complete the
create element operation. The newly created element has a sequence
number one greater than that of the last element created, and is added to
the bottom of the list.
To change an existing element, do the following.
Step 1. Place the cursor on the line of the element to be changed.
Step 2. Press the F14 key. The key entry area appears at the lower part of the
display. The remainder of the change element operation is the same as
the create element operation, except that the parameters appear on the
key entry area with the values previously specified.
Step 3. Press the F4 key to specify the other parameters if necessary.
Step 4. After completing the parameter specification, press Enter to complete the
change element operation. The list reflects the changes of the element.
Sort Element List
On the list edit panel, when F4 is pressed with the cursor positioned in the NBR
field, the NAME field, the ACROSS field, or the DOWN field, the list is sorted
according to the contents of the field and re-displayed.
If the measurement method is not the same for all elements in the list, the list
cannot be sorted by the ACROSS field or DOWN field.
If the cursor is positioned in the name field, elements which have nothing shown in
the field will be assigned a name consisting of the one-character ID followed by the
three-character number displayed in the NBR field. This is the same as the
element mark displayed in screen edit mode without the asterisk. The name
assigned will not be displayed.
Elements added to a sorted list will be added at the bottom of the list. Elements
which are changed in a sorted list will remain in the same list position until the list
is sorted again.
Copy, Move, Remove, or Restore
In the list view, you can copy, move, or remove the existing elements using the
element edit function. You can restore removed elements, which is impossible in
the screen view.
Element Edit
To copy, move, remove, or restore an element, do the following:
Step 1. Place the cursor in the
column on the line of the element to be
copied, moved, removed, or restored on the image area.
Step 2. Type one of the following commands and press the Enter key. The
operation to be executed is determined by the option selected.
286 AFP Utilities for AS/400 User’s Guide