DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets
Issue 5
May 1998
Connecting Fiber Optic Cables
Page A-4Fiber Optic Requirements
Fiber Optic Component Comcodes
Tab le A-2 provides fiber optic components and associated comcodes. These
comcodes are from the
Lucent Fiber Optics Product Catalog
. For BCS
comcodes, contact your Lucent Technologies representative.
For multi-mode fiber optic cables and comcodes, refer to Tab l e A-3
For single-mode fiber optic cables and comcodes, refer to Tab l e A -4
Table A-2. Fiber Optic Component Comcodes (ST and STII)
Description Comcode
100A Lightguide Interconnect Unit (LIU) 12 Terminations
(Preterminated with Mini Fanouts)
200A Lightguide Interconnect Unit (LIU) 24 Terminations
(Preterminated with Mini Fanouts)
400A Lightguide Interconnect Unit (LIU) 48 Terminations
(Preterminated with Mini Fanouts)
Lightguide Distribution Shelf (Preterminated with Mini Fanouts) Contact Lucent
10A Lightguide Coupling Panel for 100A and 200A (6 Couplings) 104141858
1000ST Lightguide Coupling Panel for 400A (6 Couplings) 105392005
1A4 Vertical Trough for 100A 104141866
1A6 Horizontal Trough for 100A 104141874
2A4 Vertical Trough for 200A 106497753
2A6 Horizontal Trough for 200A 106497761
C2000A-2 Multi-mode Connector 104148028
C3000A-2 Single-mode Connector 105271142
5dB Attenuator (Single-mode) (Yellow) 106060718
10dB Attenuator (Single-mode) (Yellow) 106060734
15dB Attenuator (Single-mode) (Yellow) 106061021
Fiber Protector Cover 846929883
300A Fiber Optic Transceiver (Single-mode) 107731853
9823A Fiber Optic Transceiver (Multi-mode) 106455348
9823B Fiber Optic Transceiver (Multi-mode) 106455363