Epson Research and Development Page 189
Vancouver Design Center
Hardware Functional Specification S1D13708
Issue Date: 02/03/07 X39A-A-001-02
15 Indirect Interface
The Indirect Interface is an asynchronous interface with 2 modes of operation, mode 68 and
mode 80. The address and data are multiplexed onto the data bus, thus providing a low pin
count interface to the S1D13708. The modes are distinguished between one another by the
polarity of BS#. Both modes support 8 and 16 bit accesses for both little and big endian.
The S1D13708 Indirect Interface use a combination of “command” and “data” reads/writes
to program the LCD controller. First, register addresses are loaded using “command”
writes. Then, register values and memory reads/writes are performed using “data”
reads/writes. Memory addresses are performed by programming REG[C0h] through
REG[C2h] with the desired 17-bit address.
If the Memory Access Select bit is enabled (REG[C6h] bit 0 = 1), memory accesses are
always word accesses and the signals WRU#, RDU# and EBU are ignored (WRL#, RDL#
and EBL are used for accessing both the higher and lower bytes). If this bit is disabled,
byte/word accesses to memory are controlled by WRn#, RDn# and EBn.
For details and examples, see the following sections. Also refer to Connecting to the
Indirect Interface Bus, Document Number X39A-G-020-xx.