Epson Research and Development Page 11
Vancouver Design Center
13708PLAY Diagnostic Utility S1D13708
Issue Date: 01/11/16 X39A-B-002-01
13708PLAY Example
1. Configure 13708PLAY using the utility 13708CFG. For further information on
13708CFG, see the 13708CFG User Manual, document number X39A-B-001-xx.
2. Type 13708PLAY to start the program.
3. Type ? for help.
4. Type i to initialize the registers.
5. Type xa to display the contents of the registers.
6. Type x 80 to read register 80h.
7. Type x 80 10 to write 10h to register 80h.
8. Type f 0 ffff aa to fill the first 10000h bytes of the display buffer with AAh.
9. Type d 0 ff to read the first 100h bytes of the display buffer.
10. Type show to display a test pattern.
11. Type m to display current mode information.
12. Type m 2 to set the color depth to 2 bpp.
13. Type show to display a test pattern.
14. Type q to exit the program.