Page 4 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13708 13708BMP Demonstration Program
X39A-B-003-01 Issue Date: 01/11/16
At a command prompt, type:
13708bmp bmpfile [/?]
bmpfile Specifies filename of the windows format bmp image to be
/? Displays the help message.
13708BMP displays the bmpfile image and returns to the prompt.
13708BMP Examples
To display a .bmp image in the main window on an LCD, type the following:
13708bmp bmpfile.bmp
To display a bmpfile using SwivelView, configure 13708bmp.exe for the selected Swiv-
elView mode using the configuration program 13708CFG. For further information on
13708CFG, see the 13708CFG User Manual, document number X39A-B-001-xx.
• 13708BMP displays only Windows BMP format images.
• A 24-bit true color bitmap is displayed at a color depth of 16 bit-per-pixel.
• Only the green component of the image is seen on a monochrome panel.
• 13708BMP does not perform any image translations. The image to be displayed must be
the desired dimensions and color depth.