This can be one of the following:
• Disabled
• Enabled
Persistent Binding field
The maximum size of the Fibre Channel frame payload bytes that the
vHBA supports.
Enter an integer between 256 and 2112. The default is 2048.
Max Data Field Size field
Operational Parameters Section
The threshold policy with which this vHBA is associated.Stats Threshold Policy
drop-down list box
e) In the Adapter Performance Profile area, complete the following fields:
The Fibre Channel adapter policy with which this vHBA is associated.Adapter Policy drop-down list
Click this link if you want to create a Fibre Channel adapter policy.Create Fibre Channel Adapter
Policy link
The quality of service policy with which this vHBA is associated.QoS drop-down list box
Click this link if you want to create a QoS policy.Create QoS Policy link
f) Click OK.
Step 7
Click Next.
What to Do Next
Complete Page 3: Configuring the Networking Options, on page 496.
Page 3: Configuring the Networking Options
This procedure directly follows Page 2: Configuring the Storage Options, on page 491. It describes how to
configure the networking options, including LAN connectivity, on the Networking page of the Create Service
Profile (expert) wizard.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
496 OL-25712-04
Creating Service Profiles