DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
987Trunk Group
in this field will reduce your ability to prevent toll fraud.
Incoming Dial Type
Indicates the type of pulses required on an incoming trunk group. Usually, you
should match what your central office provides. Refer to ‘‘Types of address
transmission’’ on page 1572 for more information. This field appears for Access,
APLT, DID, DIOD, DMI-BOS, FX, RLT, Tandem, and WATS trunk groups. It
also appears for Tie trunk groups when the Trunk Signaling Type field is blank,
cont, or dis.
Valid entries Usage
Enter y to allow users to get dial tone directly from the central
office. Outgoing calls over this trunk group will bypass
AAR/ARS (if you’re using it) and any of your administered
restrictions (such as COR or FRL).
n Enter n and the user will receive switch dial tone. Instead of
digits being sent to the central office, they will be collected and
checked against administered restrictions. If no restrictions
apply, the digits are sent to the central office.