DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Glossary and abbreviations
capability group
Set of capabilities, determined by switch administration, that can be requested by an application. Capability
groups denote association types. For example, Call Control is a type of association that allows certain func-
tions (the ones in the capability group) to be performed over this type of association. Also referred to as
administration groups or application service elements (ASEs).
Call-Associated Temporary Signaling Connection
cause value
A value is returned in response to requests or in event reports when a denial or unexpected condition occurs.
ASAI cause values fall into two coding standards: Coding Standard 0 includes any cause values that are part
of AT&T and CCITT ISDN specifications; Coding standard 3 includes any other ASAI cause values. This
document uses a notation for cause value where the coding standard for the cause is given first, then a slash,
then the cause value. Example: CS0/100 is coding standard 0, cause value 100.
Call-by-call or coupled bonding conductor
Country code
Common-Channel Interoffice Signaling
CCITT (Comitte Consultatif International Telephonique et Telegraphique), now called International Telecom-
munications Union (ITU). See International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Control-Channel Message Set
See capability.
CCS or hundred call seconds
A unit of call traffic. Call traffic for a facility is scanned every 100 seconds. If the facility is busy, it is
assumed to have been busy for the entire scan interval. There are 3600 seconds per hour. The Roman numeral
for 100 is the capital letter C. The abbreviation for call seconds is CS. Therefore, 100 call seconds is abbrevi-
ated CCS. If a facility is busy for an entire hour, then it is said to have been busy for 36 CCS. See also
Common-Control Switching Arrangement
Channel-division multiplexing
Customer-dialed and operator serviced
Customer database-provided digits
See Call Detail Recording (CDR).
Call Detail Record Poller