DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Managing group communication
388Observing calls
This section describes service observing in environments without Automatic Call
Distribution (ACD) or call vectoring. To use service observing in those
environments, refer to DEFINITY ECS Guide to ACD Call Centers.
Before you start
On the System Parameter Customer-Options screen, verify the:
■ Service Observing (Basic) field is y.
If you want to enable remote service observing by allowing remote users to dial a
feature access code, verify the:
■ Service Observing (Remote/By FAC) field is y
If the appropriate field is not enabled, contact your Lucent representative.
Listening to someone else’s calls may be subject to federal, state, or local
laws, rules, or regulations. It may require the consent of one or both of the
parties on the call. Familiarize yourself with all applicable laws, rules, and
regulations and comply with them when you use this feature.
In this example, we’ll set up service observing for a manager. The manager’s class
of restriction is 5. We’ll assign a feature button to the manager’s phone and allow
her to monitor calls on local extensions that have a class of restriction of 10.
Everyone on an observed call will hear a repetitive warning tone.
To set up service observing:
1. Set the observer’s class of restriction to permit service observing:
a. In the Class of Restriction screen for COR 5, type
y in the Can Be A
Service Observer? field.
b. Move to the page of the Class of Restriction screen that shows
service observing permissions.
c. Type
y in the field for class of restriction 10.
2. In the Class of Restriction screen for COR 10, type
y in the Can Be Service
Observed? field.
Anyone with class of restriction 5 now has permission to observe
extensions with class of restriction 10. To further restrict who can observe
calls or be observed, you may want to create special classes of restriction
for both groups and use these classes only for the appropriate extensions.