DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1239Call Detail Recording
67–68 Outgoing circuit ID (tens, units)
69 Space
70 Outgoing circuit ID (hundreds)
71 Space
72 Incoming circuit ID (hundreds)
73 IXC
74 Carriage return
75 Line feed
76–78 Null
Table 35. CDR Data Format — LSU
Position Data Field Description
1 Duration-hours
2-3 Duration-minutes
4 Duration-tenths of minutes
5 Condition code
6–8 Access code dialed
9–11 Access code used
12–26 Dialed number
27–30 Calling number (digits 2–5 for 5-digit dial plan)
31–35 Account code (first 5 digits)
36–42 Authorization code or digits 6–12 of account
43–44 Space or digits 13–14 of account code
45 FRL or digit 15 of account code
46 Calling number (1st digit)
47–48 Incoming circuit ID (tens, units)
Continued on next page
Table 34. CDR Data Format — LSU-Expand —
Position Data Field Description