DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1492Station Hunting
Calls route through the chain as follows.
There is no limit to the number of extensions that can be in a station-hunting
Station Hunting examples
In this example (Table 56
), extension 2 is the called extension. Because extension
2 is busy, the system follows the station-hunting chain to find an idle extension.
The system cannot find an idle extension so it returns busy tone to the caller. Note
that the chain terminates with extension 5. This means that the system cannot
route the call to extension 1 even though it is an idle extension in the chain.
Table 55. Station Hunting Characteristics
Condition Response
Encounters an idle extension Rings extension
Encounters an active extension Routes to next extension in chain
Encounters an extension with a blank
hunt-to station field
Returns busy tone if no station was
Encounters any station a second time Returns busy tone
Has checked 30 stations in the chain,
without finding an idle one
Returns busy tone
Table 56. Station-Hunting Chain — Example 1
Extension State Rings on extension